Monday 25 May 2015

Greed is a Curse

"Greed is a curse" is a universal truth. Greed brigs about worry, disgrace and ruin. He who digs a pit for others, himself falls in to it. That is why, it is said, "As you sow, so you shall reap." Sometimes a man desires to get more than his needs. His greed brigs harm ti him. When he tries to get all, he loses whatever he already has. Therefore, a person must be contented with what he has.The story of a bag of gold proves the truth of this famous proverb.
Once there lived three friends in a certain village. They were living hand to moth. They decided to try their luck in city. They promised to stand by one another through thick and thin and set out on journey to the city.
One day when they were passing through a thick forest, they found a bag full of golden coins on the way. Their joy knew no bounds. They decided to divide the coins equally among themselves. But each wish to get all the coins himself. Greed made its way through their hearts. Now they felt hungry. So, they sat down under a tree and sent one of them to buy some food from the nearest village. On the way to the village, he thought to kill his two companions and keep all the coins himself. He bought some poison and mixed it into the food of his other two friends. He returned to his friends full of sweet dreams.
The other two friends who had stayed in the forest were also very greedy. In the absence of the third, they made a plan to kill him and divide the golden coins equally between themselves. As the third friend returned, they fell upon him and put him to death. As they were hungry, they sat down to eat the poisoned food. Soon the poison worked and the also died on the spot, the coins remained undivided there. In this way, all the three fair-weather friends fell prey to greed and selfishness. This story proves that greed is curse.

